Hallo zusammen,
hier ein Link zu einem brandneuen Paper von Norton Research, das offenbar bei der USENIX Security 22 eingereicht wurde.
'However, because all those studies looked at this trend only from the trackers’ perspective, still there are a lot of unknowns regarding what the real impact of tracking is on real users. Our goal with this paper is to fill this gap in the web tracking topic. Thanks to logs of web browsing telemetry, we were able to look at this trend from the users’ eyes. Precisely, we measure how fast a user encounters trackers and research on options to reduce her privacy risk. Moreover, we also estimate the fraction of browsing histories that are known by trackers and discuss two tracking strategies to increase the existing knowledge about users."
Vielleicht lässt sich das eine oder andere daraus lernen und übernehmen.
Besten Gruß
Ben Fabian