AVIMA 20 Leadership Skills
Topic outline
Welcome to Leadership Skills. In this course we will reflect on leadership, presentation skills, negotiations, and crosscultural communication. Students are expected to enhance their management and communication skills, and have a lot of fun.
This module is assessed in the third semester by means of an essay - details below.
All the best, Greg Bond and John O'Donoghue
Please upload your paper by midnight on 7 November 2021 here. Please name your file clearly with your name and the course name (AVIMA 20 Leadership Skills). Thank you.
The colloquia will take place on 18 November 2021 (as in your timetable) and we will publish a schedule here after we have received all the papers.
In this class, we will consider:
how to introduce yourself effectively
what we need to learn about effective presentations
what we need to learn about giving presentations online
some tips for public speaking
Please have a presentation you have given (PowerPoint or other) ready to use in class
Reading for this part of the course is Roger Fisher / William Ury, Getting to Yes (first published 1981, any edition is fine) and the text on Behaviours of Successful Negotiators below.
This is the presentation we will use in class; it summarizes the other presentations in a shortened form.
Add your comments on word and concepts that tell us something about cultures, working cultures, and the ways people see the world, as well as what we might learn about other cultures from this. The list from class is in the Wiki.